Monday, August 29, 2011

Triplets, Please!!

Chase and I have thought about getting a dog several times, every time we try to find a boy, so we have tons of awesome boy dog names lined up.  This evening we went to look at a puppy who happened to be a girl, on the way home we were racking our brains for a good girl dog name.  We couldn't come up with anything. Then he suggested August, which we both liked.  Somehow, we started talking about girl names, you know, for humans. Our conversation between dog names and baby names got all mixed up so when he (jokingly) said Solstice, I died laughing.  I told him we had to name one of our future children Summer Solstice Smith. Come on, SSS would be super sweet initials, if you know what I mean. Then we pulled up behind an Eclipse at a red light.  "LIGHTBULB" (for all of you Despicable Me fans)!!! It was like a hippy revelation. We pinky promised that if we have triplets we will name them Summer Solstice, Lunar Eclipse, and Aurora Borealis. I'm really psyched about these names so please if you know of any old wives tales on how to make yourself have multiples, fill me in!!!! LOL!!!