Thursday, January 5, 2012

Meteor Shower

Have you ever made special arrangements for something totally worthwhile-amazing? And then by random chance something just as worthwhile happens out of the blue? You know, when your life has been too planned and regimented so spontaneity decides to show its pretty little head.  I'd like to share a "tail" of ironic spontaneity.

(Back Story)
One of the first times Chase and I hung out we watched a meteor shower with some friends.  Several months later when we started dating we enjoyed reminiscing about our night sky rendezvous. Since then, when we hear that a meteor shower will be visible we try to watch it.

(Present Time)
Wednesday morning at 3:00 am our alarm went off and we dressed warmly to see the Quadrantid Meteor Shower.  We drove a few miles down the road to a church parking lot in the country.  Neither of us remembered to grab a blanket, luckily there were picnic tables to lay on.  After we saw about five or six we were happy with the celestial show and headed home.  The Quadrantids proved to be a nice little light show. 

Wednesday night we dropped a few students off in the city area.  Turning a corner, we saw a flash of bright orange light about half way up in the sky and it continued to fall to about a quarter high in the sky burning yellow and orange the whole way down.  Before it burned up it lingered in that last spot for a moment. This was a METEOR! It was longer, wider, and brighter than any we had seen earlier that morning.

I'm not saying we should have stayed in bed that morning, it's just really ironic that we made these inconvenient and unconventional plans so that we could see a great work of God's art and then He blew us away with a completely unexpected display.

Equivalent to what we saw early Wednesday morning, delicate streaks of purplish blue light.

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