Sunday, November 13, 2011


This weekend we took seven guys on a seven hour trip to Ohio on a college visit. Here are my top seven moments of the trip:
  1. Our tire blowing on the highway (at least there were 7 guys to help Chase fix it so he didn't have to rely on my little knowledge of tools and limited muscle power.)
  2. Arriving in Ohio so I could be out of the van and away from the boys and their stinky habits.
  3. The worship and drama team in chapel. It was exciting to see the drama team, which started my senior year has succeeded and grown.
  4. Entertaining everyone with a movie for $1.75 in Columbus. Although, Contagion wasn't everything it was cracked up to be.
  5. Both of our families got to meet the boys from Xalt and the boys got to meet our families. 
  6. Ethan's Birthday dinner...YUM! YUM!!
  7. James and John teaching Kaycee and I how to JERK.

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