Saturday, June 30, 2012

Favorite Thing: Flea Market

My Favorite Thing about today:
The Webb Road Flea Market met many needs in our life today. We went originally because Chase needed to buy a gameboy so he can play Pokemon with the boys when we go on our mission trip. Through the journey I found a sweet pair of cloth polka dot pants that I'm pretty pumped about. In a huge table of piled up shoes, we sifted our way to some Tom's.

Now I know used Tom's #1 scream of foot disease and #2 defeat the purpose of the whole Tom's organization but they were being sold for $15 a pair or 2 for $25. That's half of ONE pair at regular price!! So...we bought some.

We Lysol'ed them for good measure.

Finally at the end of our trip, Chase found a gameboy and haggled his way down by a whopping $1 difference. What a success!!! If only we'd traveled there on a cool Spring day. Afterward, we refreshed ourselves with some delicious fried ice cream.



  1. Good thing about the Lysol! Good find. Thanks for linking up.

  2. SO excited about top 20!!!! Sad it's not coming on tonight, but ready for next week!!
