Willow joined me for some RED and PINK fun this week!!

The Fusion girls got their first taste of RED and PINK!
They did a lovely job, if you ask me!!
XALT. lol! I guess Black's the new RED and PINK for most of these girls!
Love this girl and her enthusiasm for theme outfits!!
To Kill a Mockingbird starring a Fusion student as Jem.
He rocked it!!
The entire play was amazing though!
I seriously feel blessed that we live in a town that loves theater!
It's one of my faves!!
Chase's sister gave me this scarf and it's too cute.
"Thank you" if you're reading!!
Oh! Winter Jam, how you wear me out!
You provided some good entertainment and
quality time with TSM students so...
I'll let it slide this time!
But seriously, the one day it snows in NC! C'MON!!