My love for musicals began in middle school. The high school choir director also directed the middle school choir. She loved a huge performance when she directed the spring musical, so she always opened the auditions to middle school students as well. My first show was Guys and Dolls! I'll never forget dancing our little cuban number while Miss Sarah Brown, the mission worker, fell in love with the gambler. While in high school, my friends and I were in My Fair Lady, Damn Yankees, The Music Man, and Kiss Me, Kate. These are some of my favorite memories of high school. My all time favorite number was Too Darn Hot in Kiss Me, Kate!!! (shout out to my partner Chad)

Our director loved a big opening number with everyone on stage by the end of the opening song. Nothing beats the feeling of standing completely still behind an opening curtain while the lights come up and the orchestra begins to play, not to mention...knowing the crowd is full and ready to be entertained. "Another Opening, Another Show" opened Kiss Me, Kate and explains that feeling you get only from being part of the theater. Hopefully, one day I'll take the chance to perform in another show. Our town has a very professional local theater with tons of talent.
Needless to say, I love going to see the shows. Many of the students in Xalt are involved with the local theater. Just this year we've seen The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, Grease, and Dreamgirls. Most recently we watched Dreamgirls featuring the musical and dancing talent of two of our students. All of the actors in the show did a phenomenal job, they had beautiful voices, great stage presence, and entertaining dances.