Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Driver Fail Church Van Style

The following weekend, to my previous story, TSM (our student ministry) had a sleepover. In the morning, we were loading up the van and my hands were full. I sat a few things down to put my bigger items in, then loaded the rest. 

When I pulled out of the driveway I said to the girls "I don't remember the driveway being that bumpy." Looking out my side mirror I realized it had never been that bumpy. 

I ran over my purse and game bag!! Needless to say a few things were CUHRUSHED!!!! Including wii game boxes (not games, shew), all of my lip gloss (into a lovely pink goo all over my purse), Catch Phrase (my fave game), and some pretty important pills. Obviously, I was most torn up over Catch Phrase. It had provided so many phrasy times over the years. The girls and I said a few kind words about her and sent her to a better place. 

Well, there you have it my great masterpiece posts after a long blogging hiatus! I hope I'm not the only one with crazy driving stories!! Share if you have any. 


  1. It reminds me of our crazy Volleyball stories!!!

  2. Yes!! lol! Or the bball trip where we held the window up with forks!
