Dear Friday you may be bringing a lot on this weekend but I'm so glad you're here! Dear Week you've seemed so long and busy that this morning I washed my entire body with shampoo and then tried to open my classroom with my house key but I forgive you since it's friday! Dear Mallory you had some awesome toenail polish on the other day! Thanks for the neon inspiration. Dear 77 Please give us traffic free and cop free travels. Dear (Chase's) Grandma I hope you get back to feeling well. We're excited to see you...very soon!! Dear Homework go easy on me these last three weeks. I learned my lesson to ease into a program rather than try to overachieve...although that's pointless now unless I start another Master's degree, yeah right!! Dear Girl's Small Group I've really enjoyed our time together so far. Keep the good conversations coming! Dear Husband you've been amazing since I started classes. Thank you for all of your help around the house. Thank you for understanding my slow and steady work habits and giving me tips to speed up the process. Dear Friday Letters I've finally decided to jump on the band wagon...I just enjoy reading everyone else's so much that I figured it was high time I gave you a whirl. Dear Readers I have not been very consistent lately so I'm thankful to all of you who have stuck around. I feel so honored that you take the time to stop by! Have a fabulous Friday!!
Linking up here
Love you Les :)